What is Chained or Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern
What is Chained or Chain of responsibility design pattern, Service which produces a single response with combination of multiple chained service response.
What is API Gateway Design Pattern?
What is API Gateway design pattern? API Gateway acts as the entry point for the microservices, it helps in converting the various protocol request from one type to another. It can disburden the responsibility of authentication/authorization in the microservice. Read more..
Know Aggregator Microservice Design Pattern
Know Aggregator Microservice Design Pattern, Aggregator collects related data and returns them (merging of two different data).
Aggregator service invokes various services to get the necessary data & aggregates them.
Micro service and Design Patterns
Micro service and Design Patterns, MSA has become go-to solution for most Enterprise. They are known to solve various snags. Know the various Principles followed while designing (design patterns).
Add Image to Android app
Add Image to Android app using Android Studio’s Image Asset importer. Android Studio In built tool Image Asset importer can generate all size mipmap xxhdpi, xhdpi, hdpi & mdpi
Make WordPress as Android App
Make Wordpress as android app. Once converted publish the app in Google PlayStore or any eco-system for Android (Such as Amazon app store, Samsung galaxy app store, Honor/Huawei App Gallery and So on).