Setting Up Apache Tomcat 6/7/8 Server Runtime
At first we need to download install Apache Tomcat 7.
- After Install, Open Eclipse.
- Open Windows -> Preference and Search for “Server”
Windows -> Preference -> Server
- Select Runtime Environments, Click Add.
- New Server Runtime Wizard will open.
- Select The Apache Tomcat Version (Here i’m Selecting Tomcat 7)

New Server Runtime Environment (Select Tomcat 7 or other Version)
- Click Next
- Name (Can be any name)
- Apache Tomcat 7.0
- Tomcat Installation Directory (Choose the Installation Dir)
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0
- Select the Workbench Default (if you want to use different JRE, change here).
- Click Finish.
We Have Create new Runtime.
Now we need to Create Local Server
- Windows -> Show View -> Server (Alternatevely you can User Quick Access to open Server view).
- Create New Server
New Server : Click Finish to Have default Values
- Voila! We have finished the Server Setup.
- You can startt adding the project to server and Start.