Make WordPress as Android App

In this article, let discuss on

Make WordPress as Android App

Make WordPress as Android App. Yes, follow the article from top to bottom and do not miss out anything. In the end you will see your website or WordPress blog in Android phone as an application.

You can also publish the app in Google Play Store or any eco-system for Android apps (Such as Amazon app store, Samsung galaxy app store, Honor/Huawei App Gallery and So on).

How to Make WordPress as Android App?

Converting WordPress blog or Website is easy if you have hands-on with Android Studio and Android SDKs.

               Yes, you need to know little bit of java coding knowledge and basics of Android application development. Do not worry if you have very little knowledge on these both should also be fine. If you follow this article carefully.



October 20, 2021

Senior Developer | Java & C#.NET | 10++ years of IT experience.

Planning to learn ReactJS or Angular or Flutter.!

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