In this video, I have explained How to create a file in unix?

(Create, edit, view and save text file using unix terminal.)

This video covers the below listed commands

  1. pwd – present working directory
  2. cd – change directory
  3. touch – to create file
  4. cat – view content of the file
  5. less – same as cat command, but opens in editor
  6. mkdir – make or create directory

How to create a file in unix ?

aryanz_co_in@pop-os:~/dev/folder1$ touch hello.txt
aryanz_co_in@pop-os:~/dev/folder1$ vi hello.txt
[Edit the file] to save press Esc + :wq (w is for save and q is for quit)
aryanz_co_in@pop-os:~/dev/folder1$ cat hello.txt

Keep the learning short, not to waste your precious time.

How to create a file in unix - 3Minutes: Tutorial

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