What is the CQRS design pattern?

What is the CQRS design pattern?

What is the CQRS design pattern?

Today we will see what is the CQRS – Command query responsibility segregator Design Pattern is.

Previously we saw about What is Microservice? and the principles followed while developing MSA and the available design patterns.

Command query responsibility segregator (CQRS) design pattern?

CQRS stands for Command Query responsibility segregator, a design pattern that separates the read and update operations for data.

In traditional architecture, the same data mode is used to query and update the data in a database, This is how the CRUD operations work. With CQRS the read and update operations are separated into two parts, Command and Query.

The command part will handle all the CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE requests, while the Query part will handle all the READ (Materialize view) requests.

 Advantages of CQRS:

  • Performance
  • Scalability
  • Improves Security
  • It also prevents update commends from causing merge conflicts at the domain level

What is the CQRS design pattern?


 Consider we have Video Services, One for Uploading (Write Operation) and another for viewing (Read Operation).

Where Uploading will perform Create, Update, Delete operations. And the other service on viewing will perform a Select operation to read the videos and their metadata.

In the next article, we will see the Circuit breaker design pattern.




November 28, 2021

Senior Developer | Java & C#.NET | 10++ years of IT experience.

Planning to learn ReactJS or Angular or Flutter.!

Setup ReactJS to create your first hello world

ReactJS environment setup in Windows using NodeJS, npm and few modules

Setting up ReactJS Locally (Windows)


In this article, we are going to see how to setup ReactJS locally (Windows).


  • NodeJS
  • npm & npx (if npx is not installed use the below command
    npm install -g npx

Using the create-react-app command:

npm command
npx create-react-app hello-world-react-app
npx command executed

Once the npx command is successfully executed, you will be seeing the screen as above image.

Now we are good to start our first ReactJS app.

we need to go inside our react application folder.

cd hello-world-react-app
npm start

once you are inside the reactjs application folder, start the web development server (webpack) using npm start command.

ReactJS App started and url is printed in terminal/command

Once you click on the link, it should open browser window with the URL clicked. http://localhost:3000/

ReactJS App Launched in Browser

Pro Tip:

You do not need to restart the webpack everytime, just make changes to your RectJS Application code and save it, it will be automatically rebuild and reloaded in the browser.



August 11, 2021

Java & C#.NET Developer with 10++ years of IT experience.

Planning to learn ReactJS or Angular or Flutter.!

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