Python comments and variables

Python comments and variables

Python comments and variables

Let us see about Python comments and variables which covers the below topics.

  1. Python Comments
    • Single line comment
    • End of the line comments
    • Multi line comments using # (Pound or Sharp)
    • Multi line comments using """ (3 double quotes a.k.a Multi line string)
  2. Variables
    • Declaring variables
    • Assign variables
    • re-assign variables
    • Nullify variables using None Keyword

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We have the below topics covered as part of Python learning course.

  1. Python introduction in Tamil Part 1
  2. Python introduction in Tamil Part 2
  3. Writing your first python program and how to execute it?
  4. Python syntax, indentation and data types

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Learn Python in Tamil | பைதான் மொழியைக் கற்றுக்கொள்ளுங்கள் – Python comments and variables.

Python Comments

Comments in Python

  1. Documentation using comments – It helps anyone reading the code along with the comments can easily understand the code easily and how it works. (Logical and Functional explanation).
  2. (mostly this will be used for debugging your code, if the code is not working as expected and to find the line which cause the bug).

How to comment and what are all the ways we can comment in Python?

Lets see what all ways we can comment in Python.

  • Single line comments
  • End of the line comments
  • Multi line comments using # (Pound or Sharp)
  • Multi line comments using """ (3 double quotes a.k.a Multi line string)
Single line comments

It is writing in one single line and These lines are prefixed using # (Pound or Sharp).

# This is Single line comment
# Sample program to print hello world.
print("Hello, World")
# End of my python program
End of the line comments

End of line comments, as name says it is written at end of the line along with the Python code.

Lets see an example below,

amt1 = 20
amt2 = 5
final_amt = amt1 + amt2  # Adding amt1 and amt2.
Multi line comments using #

Multi line comments using #, it is similar to Single line comment, but it is written on multiple lines prefixed with the # (Pound or Sharp) symbol.

Primarily used for documenting python code or explaining the block of code below,

Its written at the top of a class or function.

Lets see an example below

#  Author:
#  Class name: calculator
#  Description:  This class is used for performing add, sub, multiply and divide. each action requires two parameters.

#  Add operation
#  Two parameters x and y
#  prints the result on the screen
def add(x, y)
          print(x + y)
Multi line comments using “””

It is same as Multi line comment using # but it is prefixed with the """ (3 double quotes).

Similar to the Multi line using #, even here we can use this for documentation.

Lets see an example below

Class name: calculator
Description:  This class is used for performing add, sub, multiply and divide. each action requires two parameters.

""" Add operation
Two parameters x and y
prints the result on the screen
def add(x, y)
          print(x + y)
Python comments and its types

Single line comments
End of the line comments
Multi line comments using # (Pound or Sharp)
Multi line comments using """ (3 double quotes a.k.a Multi line string)

Python Variables

What is a variable?

Variables, a placeholder or container or a memory location to store values of any type, such as string, int, float, list and etc.,

  • A variable is a container for storing data/values.
  • Values are assigned at the beginning of the program.
  • It does not need to be declared with any particular type.
  • Type can be changed at any time, after they have been initialized at the beginning. (x = 5, after few line of code assign x = “Hello”, it is possible in Python)
  • Before assigning values to variables, it can be typecast to a specific type. (x = str(4))
  • Most importantly variables are case sensitive. (Msg = “Hello” and msg = “Hello” both are different variables)

Variable declarations (see below).

Python variable declarations
Python Variables Declaration
Python comments and variables - Learn Python in Tamil
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Python Syntax and Data types

Python Syntax and Data types

Python Syntax and Data types

Today we are going to see about Python Syntax and Data types which consist of the following

  1. Python Syntax
  2. Indentation in Python
  3. Best practices while writing Python program
  4. Data types (In build data types in Python)

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In case if you have missed our previous topics

  1. Python introduction in Tamil Part 1
  2. Python introduction in Tamil Part 2
  3. Writing your first python program and how to execute it?

Watch in youtube:

Learn Python in Tamil | பைதான் மொழியைக் கற்றுக்கொள்ளுங்கள் – Writing first program in Python and executing them using Python Interpreter

Syntax, Indentation and Best practice

Indentation is it really needed for Python?

Well to answer for it, Yes Its is very important for us to know about the indentation. because Python does not uses the curley braces ‘{‘ or ‘}’ for enclosing the statements. where as it used the indentations for it.

Key points to remember about Indentation

  • Giving space or tab space at beginning of a line, is called indentation.
  • In Python Indentation plays important role.
  • It uses the space to determine the block of statements.
  • The first line of Python code should not have indentation.(it will throw IndentationError)

Python coding best practices

Lets us see some best practices to be followed while writing Python, these best practices are followed so that your code does not end up having errors, easy to read and understand the code or the logic.

Python Indentation Rules

  • We can’t split indentation into multiple lines using backslash.
  • The first line of Python code can’t have indentation, it will throw IndentationError.
  • You should avoid mixing tabs and white spaces to create indentation. It’s because text editors in Non-Unix systems behave differently and mixing them can cause wrong indentation.
  • It is preferred to use white-spaces for indentation than the tab character.
  • The best practice is to use 4 white-spaces for first indentation and then keep adding additional 4 white-spaces to increase the indentation.

We will have another exclusive video coming up on the topic “Python coding best practices”.

Save the above file in any folder with the name

.py is the file extension used to identify the file is Python script

Python Data types

In Python we have the following in-built data types.

CategoryData typesNotes/Description
Text typestrString type, which is enclosed with double quotes
Example "Hello", "Python", "Programming"
Numeric typeint, float, complexnumbers, decimal and real numbers
Sequence/Collection typelist, tuple, rangeCollections, group of items.
Mapping typedictdictionary type which has key and value pair combination.
Example: {"virus_id":20190101, "virus_name":"COVID19", "isSpreadable":True}
Set typeset, frozensetSimilar to the list, just that it excludes any duplicates and it sorts the items using natural sorting order i.e., ascending order.
Boolean typeboolTrue or False its that simple.
Binary typebytes, bytearray, memoryviewFile reading and writing we can use the bytes or bytearrays.
memory view is to view the byte location in the memory.
Python in-built data types

Watch youtube video for Python datatype and syntax in tamil

Topics discussed in the Video:
1. Python Syntax
2. Indentation in Python
3. Best practices while writing Python program
4. Data types (In build data types in Python)
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Slides :

Syntax, Indentation and Best practice
1) Giving space or tab space at beginning of a line, is called indentation.
2) In Python Indentation plays important role.
3) It uses the space to determine the block
of statements.
4) The first line of Python code should not have indentation.(it will throw IndentationError)

Python Indentation Rules

1) We can’t split indentation into multiple lines using backslash.
2) The first line of Python code can’t have indentation, it will throw IndentationError.
3) You should avoid mixing tabs and white spaces to create indentation. It’s because text editors in Non-Unix systems behave differently and mixing them can cause wrong indentation.
4) It is preferred to use white-spaces for indentation than the tab character.
5) The best practice is to use 4 white-spaces for first indentation and then keep adding additional 4 white-spaces to increase the indentation.
Python Data types:

In Python we have the following in-built data types
Data types                                       Category
str                                                    # Text Type
int, float, complex                         # Numeric Types
list, tuple, range                            # Sequence Types / Collection
dict                                                 # Mapping Type (Key, Value Pair)
set, frozenset                               # Set Types
bool                                                # Boolean Type True | False
bytes, bytearray, memoryview   # Binary Types

#Python #Syntax #Indentation #BestPractice #PythonDataTypes
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Writing your first code in Python

Writing your first code in Python

Writing your first code in Python

Today we are going to see about Writing your first code in Python

In case if you have missed our previous topics

  1. Python introduction in Tamil Part 1
  2. Python introduction in Tamil Part 2

Watch in youtube:

Learn Python in Tamil | பைதான் மொழியைக் கற்றுக்கொள்ளுங்கள் – Writing first program in Python and executing them using Python Interpreter

Writing your first Python code

Where to write?

You can use any Notepad or Text editor for writing your Python program. But there are May IDEs available to help us with auto fill the code snippet or help us with formatting the code and check for any syntax errors.

But today we are going to write our first code, So lets use simple notepad or text editor.

Your first Python program

# This is my first Python code
# To print Hello world in the console
print("Hello World")

Save the above file in any folder with the name

.py is the file extension used to identify the file is Python script

Well you have now officially a Python developer, because you have written your first python code.

How to execute the Python program?

In order to execute the python program, we need Python Interpreter which will do the magic.

What is that magic?

Its the Interpretation of simple English into 0’s and 1’s, Yes the Python Interpreter is going to read your code and convert into 0’s and 1’s so that machine can understand the instructions.

To execute the Python code,
  1. You need to open Terminal or Command prompt in your Machine.
  2. Type “python3” (In our case, “python3”
  3. Hit Enter, you should see the output in the console.

Got into issue while running the program?

Goto this link and comment the error message. We will have a loot at what went wrong and why the error appeared.
Writing your first code in Python, Print Hello world using python, Python interpreter how to run puthon script, how to run python file, how to save python script
Python intro in Tamil – Part 2 | பைதான் கற்றுக்கொள்ளுங்கள்

Python intro in Tamil – Part 2 | பைதான் கற்றுக்கொள்ளுங்கள்

Python intro in Tamil – Part 2

In today’s topic we will be seeing the Python intro in Tamil – Part 2 | பைதான் கற்றுக்கொள்ளுங்கள், before proceeding if you have missed watching our previous topic “Python intro in Tamil – part 1” see below link.

Watch Python introduction in Tamil Part 1

What we are going to see?

In Python intro in Tamil – Part 2, We are going to see how to Download and install Python. along with that we will see the operating system supported and system minimum requirements.

Learn Python in Tamil | பைதான் மொழியைக் கற்றுக்கொள்ளுங்கள் – Python programming language introduction | பைத்தான் அறிமுகம்


What is needed to setup and run python?

Supported OS

  • Microsoft Windows
  • Linux / Unix
  • Mac OS

Minimum system requirements

  • x86 – 64 bit Intel or AMD Processor
  • Min. 4 GB RAM or greater
  • Min. 5 GB Hard disk space or more

How and where to download and install Python?

To Download & Install

In Windows
  1. Visit and download the setup file.
  2. Run the exe (Winodws) and ensure you set the Python Home path.
In Linux

Open Terminal and run the below command, (Ubuntu, Pop OS)

Note: Ensure you have root access, else below command will throw error.

$>sudo apt-get install python3

After executed with root privilege, it will display list of modules or library its going add to your system.

And will display the disk space its going to occupy after installing.

Press “Y” to proceed and installation will finish in some time.

(Note: You need to be connected to internet for downloading python from Linux terminal)

How to check Python installation is completed and what is the python version?

Once installation is completed, Run the following commands to verify the installation is success and the Python is installed correctly.

$>python3 --version

will display the version installed, this command can be run in Windows, Linux & Max OS.


$> whereis python3

will show the python3 system paths


$>which python3

will show the home path of the python3.

Learn Python programming | Beginner to Expert  | Python introduction, System requirements,  Python  Download and Installing Python.
Python intro in Tamil – Part 2 | பைதான் கற்றுக்கொள்ளுங்கள்

Python introduction in Tamil | பைதான் கற்றுக்கொள்ளுங்கள்

Python introduction in Tamil | பைதான் கற்றுக்கொள்ளுங்கள்

Python introduction in Tamil | பைதான் கற்றுக்கொள்ளுங்கள் Watch in youtube:

Learn Python in Tamil | பைதான் மொழியைக் கற்றுக்கொள்ளுங்கள் – Python programming language introduction | பைத்தான் அறிமுகம்

ணினி, மொபைல், இயந்திரங்கள் மின்னணு சாதனங்கள்,
அது எந்த மனிதனின் மொழியையும் புரிந்து கொள்ளவில்லை.
அது என்ன புரிந்துகொள்கிறது? இது இயந்திர மொழியைப் புரிந்து கொள்ள முடியும் (இது 0 மற்றும் 1 இன் தவிர வேறு ஒன்றும் இல்லை – binary code)

High level & Low level மொழிகள்

High level மொழிகள்- எளிய ஆங்கில வாக்கியம் இயந்திரத்திற்கு வழிமுறைகளை வழங்க பயன்படுத்தப்படுகிறது.
Low level மொழிகளின் எடுத்துக்காட்டு #Java, #Python மற்றும் பல
Low level 0 மற்றும் 1 கள் செயல் அல்லது வழிமுறைகளைச் செய்ய இயந்திரத்தில் ஊட்டப்படுகின்றன. (Assembly மொழி மற்றும் Machine மொழிகள்)

High level to low level or machine language “Interpreter” பயன்படுத்தப்படுகிறது.
எளிய ஆங்கிலத்தை 0 மற்றும் 1 க்கு மாற்ற டெவலப்பர்கள் அல்லது புரோகிராமர்களால் இந்த interpreter எழுதினார்.

பைதான் “குடியோ வான் ரோஸம்” என்பவரால் உருவாக்கப்பட்டது மற்றும் 1991 ஆம் ஆண்டில் வெளியிடப்பட்டது.
வலை வடிவமைப்பு, மென்பொருள் மேம்பாடு, கணினி ஸ்கிரிப்டிங், கணிதம் மற்றும் பல இடங்களில் பைதான் பயன்படுத்தப்படுகிறது.

Computer, mobile, machines are electronic devices,
it does not understand any human’s language.

Then what does computer’s understands?

Computer’s can understand only machine language, which is nothing but 0’s and 1’s – Binary code

High level or Low level programming languages

High level – It’s simple English sentence which are used for providing instructions to the machines.

Example: #Java, #Python are some of High level programming languages.

Low level – Direct 0’s and 1’s are feed into the machine to perform the action or instructions. (Assembly language and machine languages)


It is used for converting the High level to Low level or machine,
Interpreter’s were also written by developers or programmers, to convert the simple English sentence to 0’s and 1’s.

Gudio van Rossum has created Python and released in the year 1991.
It is also used in Web designing, Software development, System scripting, Mathematics and many more places.

Python introduction in Tamil | Pythin Beginner to Expert | Video tutorial | What is programming language? | What is python | Who created python? | Where is it used? | Web Designing | Scripting | Automation | Machine Learning

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