Have you recently ordered Burger King IPO?

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Burger King IPO

Then you must be waiting for the allotment status, you can check the status in 2 ways. Lets see what are those?

  1. BSE Websitehttps://www.bseindia.com/investors/appli_check.aspx
  2. Link Intime India – https://linkintime.co.in/ipo/public-issues.html

What do you need to have in handy before checking the status?

  1. Name: Burger King India Limited
  2. Application Number (You can check your broker or provider site)
  3. PAN Card
  4. DP/Client ID (optional)
  5. Account No & IFSC (optional)

BSE Website

Goto this link https://www.bseindia.com/investors/appli_check.aspx

  1. Choose Issue Type as Equity
  2. Choose Issue Name as Burger King India Limited
  3. Application No (IPO Application number)
  4. PAN No.

Note: Dated 9-Dec-2020 The status is shown as “No Record found”.

BSE IPO Status checking form

Link Intime India

Goto this link https://linkintime.co.in/ipo/public-issues.html

  1. Choose the Company (Burger King)
  2. Choose PAN/App. No. (or)  DP/Client ID (or)  Account No & IFSC
  3. Based on your choice above, you need to input the values accordingly.
Link Intime India IPO Status checking form

Note: Dated 09-Dec-2020, we are not seeing the Burger King as company in the company list.

Let us wait till 10-Dec-2020 10:01 AM

Patient matters 🙂 when it comes to investment.

What happened to my Burger King IPO allocation?

As of dated 10 Dec 2020 evening : The IPO Allocation is done and you can check the status now.

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