Burger King IPO Status: What happened to my allocation?

Have you recently ordered Burger King IPO?

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Burger King IPO

Then you must be waiting for the allotment status, you can check the status in 2 ways. Lets see what are those?

  1. BSE Websitehttps://www.bseindia.com/investors/appli_check.aspx
  2. Link Intime India – https://linkintime.co.in/ipo/public-issues.html

What do you need to have in handy before checking the status?

  1. Name: Burger King India Limited
  2. Application Number (You can check your broker or provider site)
  3. PAN Card
  4. DP/Client ID (optional)
  5. Account No & IFSC (optional)

BSE Website

Goto this link https://www.bseindia.com/investors/appli_check.aspx

  1. Choose Issue Type as Equity
  2. Choose Issue Name as Burger King India Limited
  3. Application No (IPO Application number)
  4. PAN No.

Note: Dated 9-Dec-2020 The status is shown as “No Record found”.

BSE IPO Status checking form

Link Intime India

Goto this link https://linkintime.co.in/ipo/public-issues.html

  1. Choose the Company (Burger King)
  2. Choose PAN/App. No. (or)  DP/Client ID (or)  Account No & IFSC
  3. Based on your choice above, you need to input the values accordingly.
Link Intime India IPO Status checking form

Note: Dated 09-Dec-2020, we are not seeing the Burger King as company in the company list.

Let us wait till 10-Dec-2020 10:01 AM

Patient matters 🙂 when it comes to investment.

What happened to my Burger King IPO allocation?

As of dated 10 Dec 2020 evening : The IPO Allocation is done and you can check the status now.

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What is SIP?

What is a SIP Calculator?

A SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) calculator is a simple tool that allows individuals to get an idea of the returns on their mutual fund investments made through SIP. SIP investments in mutual funds have become one of the most popular investment options for millennial lately.

These mutual fund sip calculators are designed to give potential investors an estimate on their mutual fund investments. However, the actual returns offered by a mutual fund scheme varies depending on various factors. The SIP calculator does not provide clarification for the exit load and expense ratio (if any).

This calculator will calculate the wealth gain and expected returns for your monthly SIP investment. Indeed, you get a rough estimate on the maturity amount for any of your monthly SIP, based on a projected annual return rate.

How can a SIP return calculator help you?

SIPs are a more lucrative mode of investing funds compared to a lump sum amount according to several mutual fund experts. It helps you become financially disciplined and create a habit of savings that can benefit you in the future.

A SIP calculator online is a beneficial tool, which shows the estimated returns you will earn after the investment tenure.

Few of the benefits of SIP calculators include –

  1. Assists you to determine the amount you want to invest in.
  2. Tells you the total amount you have invested.
  3. Gives an estimated value of the returns.

How do SIP calculators work?

A SIP plan calculator works on the following formula –

M = P × ({[1 + i]n – 1} / i) × (1 + i).

In the above formula –

  • M is the amount you receive upon maturity.
  • P is the amount you invest at regular intervals.
  • n is the number of payments you have made.
  • i is the periodic rate of interest.

Take for example you want to invest Rs. 5,000 per month for 60 months at a periodic rate of interest of 13%.

then the monthly rate of return will be 13%/12 = 0.0108


which gives Rs 1,24,017 Rs approximately in 5 years.

The rate of interest on a SIP will differ as per market conditions. It may increase or decrease, which will change the estimated returns.

Want to start invest in SIP Check out for special offer here https://bit.ly/zerodha-sip-offer

Please read the offer documents carefully before investing. Subject to market risk.

Java 8: Streams – Part 1

What is Streams?

Stream is a new abstract layer introduced in Java 8, It represents a sequence of objects from a source, which supports aggregate operations.

To understand better, lets take basic sql function distinct.


In the above SQL script, we perform Distinct operation using the DISTINCT method. which actually performs operation on the retrived data/rows.

Similarly Java8:Streams also performs operation or action on collective data.

Follow are the characteristic of Java8:Streams

  • Sequence of elements − Stream provides a set of elements of specific type in a sequential manner. A stream gets/computes/manipulated the elements/data. It never stores the manipulated elements/data.
  • Source − Stream accepts Collections, Arrays, or I/O resources as input source.
  • Aggregate operations − Stream supports aggregate operations such as filter, map, limit, reduce, find, match, & so on.
  • Pipelining − Most of the stream operations return stream itself so that their result can be pipelined. These operations are called intermediate operations and their function is to take input, process them, and return output to the target. collect() method is a terminal operation which is normally present at the end of the pipelining operation to mark the end of the stream.
  • Automatic iterations − Stream operations do the iterations internally over the source elements provided, in contrast to Collections where explicit iteration is required.

Lets continure in the next part..

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