Here we’re going to talk all about Permissions (CHOWN) in Unix?
When it comes to access for reading,writing or executing files in unix we need to play around with the permissions! So today we are going to talk all about ownership and permissions (chown).
Ownership and Permissions are important thing in unix, when it comes to files and folders access.

Changing ownership for files and folders using CHOWN
Command Usage:
chown user:group filename (Changing ownership for user and group)
chown :group filename (Only to the group)
chown user filename (Only the user)
chown user:group foldername -R (For folders and sub directory use -R)
Note: -R to apply the changes to the sub directories and files within the folder.
owner – User who created the file or folder
group – User belong to the group
(groups example: admin, author, sysadmin, root, local, itadmin) – varies from system to system
Try for yourself:
1) Change both owner and group from root to user1 or user1 to root
hint: chown root:root file1.txt
2) Try to change for folder and its sub content (incl. sub directories)
chown root:aryanz_co_in folder1 -R
Try for yourself and comment it here
practice to keep FAMILIAR with the commands.
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