Microsoft Windows Emoji keyboard shortcut Win + .
In this article, let discuss on
Microsoft Windows Emoji keyboard shortcut Win + .
Emoji’s 😊😂🤣😍😒👌😘💕😁👍🙌
Emoji’s plays vital role in everyone’s life now!
We express our thoughts usings these Emoji’s. Emojis were part of Phone and Handheld devices. Due to heavy usage of these Emoji now PCs and Laptops also needed those emojies.
For very long I used to search the emoji in Google and copy paste them where ever needed, But Winodws has this Emoji pop-up integrated.
Keyboard Shortcut for Emoji in Windows
- During text entry, type Windows logo key
+ . (period). The emoji keyboard will appear.
- Select an emoji with the mouse, or keep typing to search through the available emojis for one you like.
By Pressing Windows + . (period) will bring up the Emoji popup (as shown below)
Wanna try it now 👓
🚩Pro Tip: Type all the symbols like a pro
Sometimes you need to type a character that isn’t on your keyboard, like an em-dash (—) or the copyright symbol (©). If you have a numeric keypad on your keyboard, you don’t have to find one and copy and paste, you can just do it! Here’s how:
- Hold down the Alt key on your keyboard.
- With the Alt key held down, type the four-digit code on the numeric keypad for the character you want. (Include the leading 0 if that’s required.)
Note: This only works on the numeric keypad. This won’t work on the row of numbers at the top of the keyboard.
Release the Alt key.
Here’s just a few of the characters you can type with the Alt key:
Symbol |
Name |
Alt-code |
© |
Copyright symbol |
Alt+0169 |
® |
Registered symbol |
Alt+0174 |
™ |
Trademark |
Alt+0153 |
• |
List Dot |
Alt+0149 |
§ |
Section symbol |
Alt+0167 |
† |
Dagger |
Alt+0134 |
‡ |
Double dagger |
Alt+0135 |
– |
en-dash |
Alt+0150 |
— |
em-dash |
Alt+0151 |
¶ |
Paragraph symbol (Pilcrow) |
Alt+0182 |
¡ |
Upside-down exclamation mark |
Alt+0161 |
¿ |
Upside-down question mark |
Alt+0191 |
¢ |
Cent sign |
Alt+0162 |
£ |
British Pound |
Alt+0163 |
Є |
Euro currency |
Alt+0128 |
¥ |
Japanese Yen |
Alt+0165 |

August 08, 2021
Java & C#.NET Developer with 10++ years of IT experience.
Planning to learn ReactJS or Angular or Flutter.!